Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Illustration Friday: Ghost

I figured the 'ghost' topic was chosen in honor of Halloween, and since I'm not a big fan of Halloween, I thought I'd do something connected to Dia de los Muertos. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, I grabbed this from www.diadelosmuertos.us (it explains much better than I can):

Dia de los Muertos is celebrated throughout Mexico and the Southwest states, and coincides with the Christian All Souls and All Saints Days. On November 1st and 2nd people remember those who are deceased. November 1st is considered the Dia de los Angelitos—the day to remember children that have died, November 2nd is the traditional Dia de los Muertos (day of the dead). Pictures of the deceased are placed on Dia de los Muertos altars with their favorite food and drink. Candles to light their way home, and soap and water to freshen-up after their long trip back are also often placed on altars. Trinkets they were fond of, symbols they would understand, and gifts are left to communicate to them that they are always in the hearts of those they left behind, and that they are still part of the family even though they aren’t physically with us any longer.

José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913), a political cartoonist, created many art pieces of calaveras (skeletons, though the literal translation is 'skulls', I believe). This illustration is an homage to one of Posada's pieces, done in modern dress.

This is the 52nd week in a row I've put something up on Illustration Friday. It's been a wonderful experience. From the start people checked in and commented with encouragement and insightful observations. Every week the IF site hosts scores (yea, hundreds) of unique takes on a given topic. I've been inspired by the fresh creativity on a weekly basis, regretting only that time has not allowed me to check every post every week. Sort of a challenge to try to get around to some of the regular commentors before they post a comment to me... something I rarely accomplish. Seems I'm always playing 'catch up.'

Well, gotta go. Blackie needs to go out for his evening constitutional before bedtime. Peace to all, and stay safe.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Illustration Friday: Smitten

As closing time drew near, Reginald realized that Myra was quite possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Peace to one and all, and drink responsibly.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Illustration Friday: Trouble

On one particularly boring day some 5,000 years ago -- it may have been closer to 5,000,000 years ago, but who's counting? -- First Woman Eve was lolling about under a shady palm. She was bored. Nothing was wrong particularly. Maybe that was the problem... everything was always... well... right. She sighed a sigh, stretched her arms lazily, and surveyed the compound.

Nice enough place, everything she needed was within easy reach... water, fruit and veggies. Being vegan, she and Adam didn't even consider sampling one of the myriad creatures that ambled aimlessly about the place. And there were a bunch of them... sleeping under every rock, hanging or perched in every tree, and sunning in every open spot it seemed. In fact that lughead Adam was out finishing up his one chore... naming the last two or three dozen animals.

When Eve thought of Adam, she sighed again and knit her unblemished brow slightly. The guy was fairly good-looking and was nice enough and all, but, sheesh, he really was dumb as that creature he had named Ox. And boring... he was just plain boring. She stepped over Lion, who was dozing next to Lamb and yawned. The whole place was boring. Nothing ever happened.

That was when something coming down the lane caught her eye. It was Serpent, rolling something along in front of him. She chuckled. He wasn't soft and cuddly like Koala, or strong and fast like Horse, but he was, well... interesting. He always seemed to be up to something. He had discovered that his little hands were prehensile, like Monkey's, the better to investigate things. And just last week, he had taken to walking upright on his hind legs, imitating Adam by stumbling about and tripping over roots. Serpent made Eve laugh.

And here he was again today, but what was it that he had with him? The little guy was toiling so hard... Maybe Eve would give him a hand. As she got closer, she realized what Serpent was pushing. Oh, what had he gotten into this time? He knew better. He must have been exploring the one tree they weren't supposed to go near and had knocked off one of its fruits. The little imp.

Maybe today wasn't going to be as boring as yesterday... and the day before...

Well, dear reader, you can probablly guess what sort of trouble Serpent got Eve into that day... and how Adam stepped right into it himself. And you know the results... pain of childbirth, toiling from dawn to dark, you know, complications of life.

Oh, and Serpent lost his hands and legs.

Peace, everyone, and keep your nose out of trouble today.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Illustration Friday: Quiet

“In cities no one is quiet but many are lonely; in the country, people are quiet but few are lonely”
-Geoffrey Fisher

Peace and quiet to all.